jueves, 3 de enero de 2013


The Tenfold Verse about Enlightenment These verses deal with the Absolute Self. Written by the ace philosopher, Sankara, these verses are the verses of Enlightenment, the Voice of the Self that is the Sole Witness Consciousness which transcends the triune states - waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. Na Bhoomir na Thoyam na Thejo na Vayu, Na Kham Nendriyam vaa na Thesham samooha, Anaikanthikathwath Suspthyeka Siddha, Thadekovasishta Shiva Kevaloham. Earth and water I am not Neither wind nor light Not ether nor the organs of sense I am not a combination of these Because they are only relatively real That which remains after Negation That Consciousness, Absolute Self, I am Na varna, na Varnasramachara Dharma, Na me dharana Dhyana Yogadhayopi, Anathmasrayo aham Mamadhya Sahanath, Thadekovasishta Shiva Kevaloham. I am not the Caste rules, nor caste itself I am not the Stages Four of Life I dont personify rules nor just conduct Meditation I am not nor Yoga They are illusory before Self That which remains after Negation That Consciousness, Absolute Self, am I Na matha pitha vaa na Deva na Loka, Na veda na yagna na Theertham Bruvanthi, Sushupthou nirasthadhi Shoonyath Makathwath, Thadekovasishta Shiva Kevaloham Mother and father are not me Neither Earth nor Heaven Not the Vedas me, nor the sacrifice of Fire Nor the holy waters Which they say exist in dreamless sleep Void also is not in sleep That which remains after Negation That Consciousness, Absolute Self, I am

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013


Hue...we know we have a MODAFOCKIN' PROBLEM when we lose our smoking jacket & our playmates become DRILL SEA-RGENTS.

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Sacudiendo el Prisma

El rayo solar se proyecta más limpio que nunca
entre las grietas de mi vestido de ladrillos;
aquellos protegidos por el Instituto de Cultura que se edificaron sobre mis Titanes ...ciegos...santos...juanes...

Recuerdate que te veo.
Entre cada llanto negro te veo.
Junto a cada risa blanca te veo.

Detrás de tu máscara, destellos grises se asoman y
se afincan sobre mi bastón de erizos.
No te incan mis agujas...cada una fue un implante rencoroso por los mismos que te han robado pestañas de tus almendras.
Se completa el personaje con este encuentro.
Mis púas, veneno...
El firmamento de tu mirada, antídoto del deseo...

Un arco iris monocromático dividido
...hacemos once gradiantes de orgasmos.

Trenzada crianza rioja se inyecta por ley kármica a mi reloj de arena.
Seis años de anemia ...
Transfusión muy esperada.

Esta bóveda celeste no tiene oído para interruptores sin colores.

martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Beautiful Ranger

One year of service
That's what I promised myself...

"Sir...do you see everything in Black and White???"
Just you...I SAW YOU...REMEMBER?

"Vaguely...I was vogueING at the stars that season and honestly didn't have the patients to recognize new kids parading around my FORT."
Yeah..that ego of yours turned against the words I wrote on your hand; that, BTW, does not fit your body. (The MOON is in your EYES)

"I work for a Beach Boy...and the beach has been out of service since I saw you out of the [moving picture] and washed my hand from your pulse. It's a REAL problem for business, YOU ? KNOW."

"Yeah...well, she saw me FIRST and I promised myself NEVER again to digress. I am so over the HERMIT ROLE...as long as you know and you are ok with the fact she will beckon me again and again...WE CAN hang for a while, you CAN pimp my style and we CAN PUSH and KISS envelopes."
I needed you to wake me...I was about to go back to her domain.

"Yeah...I know...they are very similar; mine lacks the STUFF and STYLE and hers lacks the HEART and CHARACTER...but, we decided to stop disagreeing about that and just work together. She's aware of you...you told me the first day of her kiss, I saw her smile invade my Court, and my father printed a google pic, yesterday, of her {I wonder what made him choose the 1976 one next to the fountain I painted many years later}. I haven't even talked to him about her since the last time I told him I would marry her. {#5 BTW....but, who's counting these days xcept for the mystics}"
I can throw you a better party...You know?

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, C.C.; but I'm just warning you...I already have an M.C. and I do trade angels and collect monsters...But, she's not up for discussion...It's not about love and HATE anymore, it's about timing"
Sure...princess, whatever you say. Go into the shower with me and let my face and tears spatter all over your naked body...The kids wanted me to find you...they guided me towards your dimmed spotlight; ...YOU ARE THE STAR in my book.

"Forgive me...I am very content with my role. I love being a back-up dancer with a great ass. Close the curtain and start working... polish me."